Ezekiel 17:22-24; 2 Corinthians 5:1-10; Mark 4:26-34
Once again, the Word of God in our ears this day speaks of the glorious and happy goal that God’s salvation promises to all who believe in His saving mercy, grace, and love. From of old, the Lord has promised a secure future in His presence both now and especially in the eternity of life in the resurrection. Though we experience the weakness and maybe even dread of growing old, by faith we are like firm trees planted by the strength of God. That faith is the very creation of God the Holy Spirit, which grows and remains strong regardless of our circumstances. So even though we become discouraged at times, our confidence is always renewed by God as we remain steadfast in connection with His mighty Word.
You are always welcome. Sunday Divine Service begins at 9:30 a.m., followed by fellowship, And Adult Christian Education Hour, as well as children’s Sunday School for 3-5 year old children.