Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God that he has given you. | Deuteronomy 16:17
Grace Lutheran Church contributes offerings to Charities and Mission Work each year. Below are the charities and ministries the Church Council recommended and the Church congregants voted to support in 2023.
Charitable + Mission Giving
Men’s Fellowship Group
The purpose of our Men’s Fellowship Group is the Development of friendship, camaraderie, and strong Christian bonds between the men of Grace Lutheran.
We meet in the Fellowship Hall of the church.
We typically meet at 8:30 a.m. on the second Monday of each month from September through May; However, we are considering moving our meetings to Saturday morning to accommodate some of our younger men who are not retired.
Schedule updates are announced after Sunday Worship and also generally with a text reminder.
Breakfast - We meet at 8:30 for coffee and conversation for about 30 minutes. We then have breakfast, followed by a brief business meeting. The meals are cooked by members with volunteer “chefs” rotating from meeting to meeting. Breakfast is served when ready between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m.
Business meeting - We have a VERY short business meeting which includes a brief report from our Treasurer. The meeting covers upcoming events, assignment of cooks and discussing possible charitable giving and projects needed to benefit the church or community.
Treasury - We take a free will offering used to cover expenses and fund the treasury for charitable projects.
There are no dues.
Programs - We have a program following breakfast.
We have a program following breakfast. Some examples of programs are:
Presentation of the life and career or hobby of one of our members. Our membership is diverse, and we have heard discussions on a wide range of careers and
Presentations by outside guest speakers
Viewing of videos pertinent to our Christian beliefs.
Work projects. We assemble and take down Christmas decorations in December and January of each year. We have cleaned the church windows, cleaned and organized our M&E storage room and helped our Trustee with other tasks as requested.
Off campus tours of fascinating local businesses.
For more information, please contact Bruce W. Bleser; His email is linked below.
Grace Lutheran Women’s Guild
Our mission & purpose is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth and Christian fellowship and to reach out with Christ in word and deed to those that need our time, talent and treasures.
We meet in the Fellowship Hall of the church.
We typically meet at 10:00 a.m. on the third Tuesday of each month from September through May.
We have outings to a variety of venues, attractions and restaurants throughout the year - most occuring during our off season.
We begin at 10AM and have 30m to one hour of fellowship. This commonly includes refreshments and games of some type to foster conversation.
Our meeting is called to order between 10:45 & 11:00 AM.
Devotion - One of our members volunteers to lead us in a short devotion at the beginning of our time together. This is decided on during the previous month’s meeting.
Reports - Secretary & Treasurer read the reports and they’re approved by the voting members.
Old + New Business: We discuss missions projects we are donating to, lunches we are hosting, the elections of our officers, current events within our church that we need to see to, among other recorded topics.
Meeting Adjourned around 12:30PM
Each year we vote on which Missions we will donate to. In 2023 they included:
Heifer International
Orphan Grain Train
Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty
Flint Street Food Pantry
Into The Light Trafficking Survivors
Hope Notes (Non-Monetary Mission)
For more information, please contact Stephanie Garrett; Her email is linked below.