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Divine Service 6/23: 5th Sunday After Pentecost

Job 38:1-11; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Mark 4:35-41

For all of the Bible’s reassurances of how much God loves us, cares for us, protects and guides us, it is, nevertheless, of our fallen, sinful nature that we still at times harbor doubts and even despairingly want to argue with God Himself and question His love and promises. The undying question is “Why?” The troubles, setbacks, trials, tragedies, and reverses in life do that. The Word before us today describes those times with the imagery of the destructive power of raging water and the greater power of God to deliver from threatening distress. Even when threatened with a raging flood, we are reminded that our help is still in the God who created everything. The trials of the otherwise “blameless and upright” man of God named Job (1:1) and the Lord’s patient yet commanding love in His answer to Job’s complaint should remind us to live our faith in daily repentance yet always still in praise of our saving God.

You are always welcome.  Sunday Divine Service begins at 9:30 a.m., followed by fellowship, And Adult Christian Education Hour, as well as children’s Sunday School for 3-5 year old children.

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