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Divine Service 8/18: 13th Sunday After Pentecost

Proverbs 9:1-10; Ephesians 5:6-21; John 6:51-69

Living in a world of empty promises and fake offers, we can easily become jaded to the things of God. In our skepticism, the temptation is to treat the invitation of God the same way we meet the scams that fill our emails and text messages. But the Lord does not speak empty words nor does He give promises He will not keep. Faith rejoices in Him who is genuine and who genuinely supplies what we need. Because of this, we build our lives upon the firm ground of this hope.

You are always welcome. Sunday Divine Service begins at 9:30 a.m., followed by fellowship and Adult Christian Education Hour, as well as Children’s Sunday School for 3-5 year old children.

August 11

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