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Divine Service 2/25: Second Sunday in Lent

“A Christ With a Cross” - Mark 8:27-38

Genesis 17:1-7,15-16; Romans 5:1-11; Mark 8:27-38

We are met today with a profound reality: that Christ died for the ungodly, and that we were once rightly called the ungodly. It is hard to even fathom the depth of our sinfulness. Yet for all the depth of sin present in us and in the world, Christ’s love for us and His forgiveness of us runs deeper still. And now, we have reconciliation and peace with God that passes all understanding.

You are always welcome.  Sunday Divine Service begins at 9:30 a.m., followed by fellowship, And Adult Christian Education Hour, as well as children’s Sunday School for 3-5 year old children.

February 18

Divine Service 2/18: First Sunday in Lent

March 3

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